Hampton50号毛细管Glass Number 50 Capillaries
Glass Number 50 Capillaries
Description 描述
Glass Number 50 (borosilicate glass) capillaries that are extremely thin walled (approximately 10 micron wall thickness). The length of the capillary has a well defined diameter, with one end having a funnel shape and the other end closed. Glass capillaries have a wall thickness of 0.01 mm and an overall length of 80 mm +/- 5 mm. Glass capillaries are available in a wide range of outside diameters from 0.1 mm to 2.0 mm. They are designed to mount, hold, and store small molecule and biological macromolecular crystals for x-ray data collection. Capillaries can also be used for crystal density measurements and crystal growth experiments. The capillaries can be sealed tightly against moisture and gases using wax, epoxy, or other sealing materials.
In determining what glass or quartz capillary is right for you, please refer to the “Linear Absorption Coefficient µ cm-1” table. This table indicates the amount of radiation that is absorbed by the capillary during x-ray data collection.
For 0.1 mm to 2.0 mm capillaries the open end capillary tube base size is 3.0 +/- 0.15 mm OD x 0.13 +/- 0.10 mm Wall thickness.
The Diameter is measured 40 mm from the closed end. The tolerances are as follows
0.1 mm -0.075 / +0.075 mm
0.2 mm -0.050 / +0.050 mm
0.3 mm -0.050 / +0.100 mm
0.4 mm -0.100 / +0.100 mm
0.5 mm -0.100 / +0.100 mm
0.6 mm -0.100 / +0.100 mm
0.7 mm -0.150 / +0.150 mm
0.8 mm -0.150 / +0.150 mm
0.9 mm -0.150 / +0.150 mm
1.0 mm -0.150 / +0.250 mm
1.5 mm -0.250 / +0.250 mm
2.0 mm -0.250 / +0.250 mm
Capillaries have only been tested at atmospheric pressure (760 mmHg (torr), 29.92 inHg, 14.696 psi). Use at other pressures has not been tested.
Sigma代理 Abcam代理 CST代理 Santa Cruz代理 Biolegend代理 ebioscience代理 Invitrogen代理 millipore代理 BD流式抗体代理 GeneTe x抗体代理 Novus抗体代理 R&D代理 Biovison代理 Jackson代理 MBL抗体代理 ProSpec抗体代理 Bethyl抗体代理 Antibody Revolution抗体代理 Torrey Pines Biolabs代理 Amresco代理 MPbio代理 Laysan bio代理 NANOCS代理 Avanti代理 wako代理 lumiprobe代理(活性荧光染料) NEB酶代理 Roche酶代理 Toyobo酶代理 USP代理 EP代理 Dr代理 TRC代理 TCI代理 Reagecon代理 Megazyme代理 Hampton代理(蛋白结晶) whatman代理(滤膜滤纸) GE代理(蛋白纯化) Corning康宁代理 Axygen代理 Falcon代理 NISSUI日水代理 Himedia代理 OXOID代理 BD培养基代理 Ludger代理(糖蛋白分析产品) Eppendorf代理 Labnet代理 标准品代理 抗体代理 酶试剂代理 培养基代理 耗材代理 Elisa试剂盒代理 。